Review Gremlins

Happy Saturday,

By this time many readers have bought the book in both digital and paperback form. I thank you from the depths of my soul. I know sales of Ballad have gone way beyond purchases by friends, family and work associates simply by looking at the stats on my "Author Central" page- I simply do not have a relationship with nearly as many people in this world as total number books that have sold. 

Be that as it may, I want to make an appeal for honest reviews on Amazon. Among other things, reviews are a driving force that spurn more sales. In the year 2020, it appears to me that Amazon's software transcends merely highly complex status, having essentially evolved into artificial intelligence (the sci-fi geek in me is beginning to think entities such as Amazon and Google have moved past simple internet programs and have become living, sentient life forms). If it senses “unusual” review activity- such as faked or paid-for reviews, Amazon will dispatch its gremlin subroutines and reviews will disappear. My understanding is it has been quite adept at screening out dishonesty.

Creature Amazon watches over its baby books like a mama cat, nurturing the lively ones while simultaneously turning out the runts of the litter. If properly cared for early, book sales grow to reach a critical mass, and if of high enough quality, thrive. At that point they will have become strong enough to propagate their own sales...they, quite literally, will sell themselves.

SO...if you have read the book and feel so compelled to leave an honest review on Amazon, please go for it... and I thank you!



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