So Far to Go

1,301 days ago I had my last sip of alcohol; and while I have come so, so far in my recovery and personal growth, there are moments when I am reminded how far I have yet to go.

Tomorrow is my youngest child’s bar mitzvah, a ritual signifying coming-of-age into adulthood in the Jewish tradition. It is a milestone in a young person’s life and a day to remember forever. 40 years later, I reflect on  my own as if it were yesterday.

I am not invited. Even after 3 1/2 years of recovery and making living amends “one day at a time” as my program teaches me, I have not achieved any measurable progress with my children. Sometimes staying on God’s timeline is difficult. But it is what it is, and I will keep doing the next right thing. And praying for my son, his brother and sister, and their mother.

Peace out ✌️


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